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  • Esme
    Esme posted the thread Celebrity Divorces in Anything else.
    A list of recent celebrity divorces here :-) Honestly it makes you wonder why they bother to get married! I haven't even heard of...
  • Esme
    Esme posted the thread Marianne Faithful in Anything else.
    RIP. I don't remember much about her as it was before my time, but always loved that song "As Tears go By". She wasn't that old really.
  • Esme
    Esme posted the thread Email notifications fixed in Forum News.
    Forum email stopped working recently, around Christmas and I only realised when there were server errors in the admin panel. It's all...
  • Esme
    Esme posted the thread Physio in General health and stress.
    So I'm having to do physio at the moment and it's tough! But I'm hopeful it will lead to me being able to get a referral to a specialist.
  • Esme
    Esme reacted to Maya's post in the thread Update with Like Like.
    I never got a thank you either. Nowadays I do occasionally, but it’s hardly meaningful. They usually say it because others do, but tbh...
  • M
    Maya replied to the thread Update.
    I never got a thank you either. Nowadays I do occasionally, but it’s hardly meaningful. They usually say it because others do, but tbh...
  • Esme
    Esme replied to the thread Update.
    Typical! Young people never seem to think to say thank you these days do they? They see everything as their right! SS doesn't say...
  • M
    Maya reacted to Noodle's post in the thread Update with Like Like.
    Thank you Maya. On the whole things are sounding very positive for you. Actually, I have always thought that there us a massive...
  • M
    Maya replied to the thread Update.
    Thank you. It helps to hear I am not the only one that went through this and it still hurts. I basically enforced the invites of SSs to...
  • M
    Maya reacted to Noodle's post in the thread Update with Like Like.
    I completely understand and thank you for sharing. Exactly the same here, I kept thinking my every word will be judged and taken back...
  • Esme
    Esme reacted to Noodle's post in the thread Update with Like Like.
    I completely understand and thank you for sharing. Exactly the same here, I kept thinking my every word will be judged and taken back...
  • M
    Maya replied to the thread Update.
    I am sorry, but it was the same in my situation. It was even difficult to part without some tension arising and than SSs coming home...
  • M
    Maya replied to the thread Update.
    I generally agree. I still recall all the hell you and H had to go through and having your DD with special needs, warrants some...
  • Esme
    Esme replied to the thread Update.
    That was insensitive of her to say you should move back to the Uk but she probably knew that would be both of you. I think it's easy to...
  • Esme
    Esme replied to the thread Update.
    You mean they are still there?!!! It must feel very claustrophobic yes - I think I would want to go out every day for a walk or...